Monday, August 18, 2008

Back in Action

September is fast approaching and we are pumped to dive in to our 2nd year representing the International Justice Mission at McMaster! Here's just a sneak peak of what we have going on in September:
  • Clubsfest- Come check out our table on September 3rd, 9am-3pm in the Student's Centre.
  • Coffeehouse- After the extremely successful inaugural event last September we decided to do it again! There will be a great line up of dance, spoken word, and music not to mention delicious treats. If you're interested in performing please contact us!! (
  • Why Everything Must Change- The exec will be hitting up this amazing conference, September 19-20th in Oakville. The Executive Director of IJM Canada will be there along with an amazing line up of authors, theologians, artists and everything in between. We'd love you to come with us! Check it out at

And this is just the beginning... We can't wait to see you all back in at Mac!

1 comment:

Lyn said...

Hi You should also check out Just Courage's website,, and the resources available in addition to Gary Haugen's latest book. All the best! Lyn from IJM HQ